2022 Business Development Resume Example & Tips
Business development managers have a very important job in the business world. Without them, companies would not be able to reach their full potential. In this post we’re going to talk about how you can get hired as a Business Development Manager. We’ll start with an overview of what it means to work in this field and some of the things that make someone good at it. Then we’ll move onto tips for writing your resume so that hiring managers will take notice!
A career in business development can be very rewarding
Business development is a rewarding field that offers many opportunities to grow and expand your knowledge as you work with others to achieve common goals. As a business development employee, you will be expected to pursue sales opportunities that could benefit both the company and its clients. This means that strong communication skills—both written and verbal—are essential for success in this role.
If you are confident that selling is something you excel at, then pursuing a career in business development can be very rewarding. However, there are also several challenges associated with being an effective salesperson: long hours, frequent travel between offices or sites, constant rejection from potential clients who aren’t interested in buying what you’re selling (yet).

Business development is a field that requires hard work, great communication skills and the ability to nurture relationships, among other things.
To get hired as a business developer, it’s essential to understand exactly what you’re getting into. Business development is a field that requires hard work, great communication skills and the ability to nurture relationships, among other things.
If you’ve got a strong desire to succeed and are willing to put in the necessary time and effort, then this might be just the career for you!
Your resume should show you can meet those requirements.
Your resume should show you can meet those requirements. You need to show that you have the skills and experience necessary for a particular job and that you’ve completed all the relevant training, education, or other elements of your background that are required for the position.
As an employer, I want someone who is only applying because they’re interested in that job—not because they think it might be easier than applying somewhere else. So I’m looking at resumes with more than just a great cover letter; I need to know whether this person has what it takes to perform well in this role before even considering them as an applicant.
Business Development Resume Writing Tip #1
Use your resume to sell yourself. This means that you should focus on the accomplishments you’ve made and the results you’ve achieved within each of your roles at different companies. Make sure that you’re highlighting how your work has benefited the company as well as how it has benefited you personally.
You must have a good sales pitch for yourself and your resume is it
You need to have a good sales pitch for yourself and your resume is it.
You’re not just selling your ideas, services, or products—you’re selling yourself as well. You need to be able to convince someone new that they want what you have to offer. Your resume should:
Let potential employers know why they should hire you over other candidates (and any competitors).
Highlight everything that makes you stand out from the crowd.
Show off all of your greatest accomplishments so far in life/work/schooling/whatever else has helped define who YOU are today!
Business Development Resume Writing Tip #2
If you want to land the job, you need to show that you’ve done something significant at each of your past jobs—and that means using company names frequently so that hiring managers can see how much impact you’ve had. The more specific and descriptive you can be about how you were able to help grow the business or contribute tangible results, the more compelling your story will be to a potential employer.
List the right office manager certifications and licenses on your resume
You may have all the right skills, but having the right certifications and licenses is crucial in demonstrating that you are qualified for a position. The order in which you display your certifications and licenses on your resume is also important. Make sure to include them in a logical order, from most recent to oldest, as well as only listing certifications relevant to the job or industry you are applying for. Here are some things to keep in mind:
When writing about any certification or license, list it with an exact title so hiring managers can understand exactly what it is without having to do additional research.
If multiple credentials apply equally well, consider grouping them together under one heading such as “Work Experience.”
If there are multiple different versions of a particular credential (for example: Project Management Professional vs PMP), choose the version that best suits your experience level or preferred industry focus (i.e., healthcare vs manufacturing).
Don’t just list your responsibilities, write about the accomplishments you had in each role
Each role you have held should be described in terms of the accomplishments you realized while working there. Don’t just list your responsibilities; the hiring manager will learn those from your job description, so don’t waste valuable space rehashing that information. Instead, use bullet points to explain how you made progress and contributed to the business or organization’s overall success. Consider writing a paragraph for each role and describing how you:
Increased revenue
Reduced costs
Improved product quality
To create a good business development resume, use numbers to emphasize how you’ve helped past companies succeed
To create a good business development resume, use numbers to emphasize how you’ve helped past companies succeed. For example:
You increased sales by 15% in your first year at Company X.
You raised the conversion rate on new leads by 25%.
Business Development Resume Writing Tip #3
Highlight any awards you’ve won on your resume. These awards show off not only what kind of person you are, but also what kind of employee companies want to hire!
Emphasize good client relationships you’ve created
When writing about your relationships with clients, make sure to emphasize how you’ve helped them achieve their goals. A good way to do this is by showing what you did for a client, rather than telling them what you did.
For example: “I worked with the marketing team at XYZ Corporation to create a plan that increased sales by 15%” sounds much better than “I created a plan that increased sales by 15%.” The former shows that you’ve helped XYZ Corporation increase its profits, while the latter just states the fact.
Another way of showing how well you understand a client’s needs is by demonstrating how those needs have changed over time. If possible, show how your work has evolved as these needs change (i.e., if something doesn’t work out in their favor). This shows that both parties learn from each other and make adjustments accordingly—and also gives an indication of how easy it may be for another company or individual to work with you in the future!
Show off your key management skills. Emphasize your leadership skills.
It’s important to show how you’ve used your management skills to be successful in the past. If you’re a salesperson, for example, it would be useful to talk about how you’ve managed projects and teams in order to achieve goals.
You should also emphasize any leadership skills that are applicable. For example: “As the head of operations at my last company, I had to make sure my team was always working on the most important projects.”
It’s also good to describe how well you’ve worked with other departments or clients. You could say something like “I regularly consulted with our marketing department and worked closely with clients so that we could meet their needs.”
Don’t use any gimmicks like fancy fonts or colored paper on your business development resume
Don’t use any gimmicks like fancy fonts or colored paper on your business development resume. Just keep it simple and clean, as if you’re applying for a job at your local bank.
Don’t use graphics on your resume either—nothing that looks like clipart or a cartoon character (unless it’s an actual cartoon character). This is one of the most important rules in resume writing: never lie! You can get away with some things in life, but not lying on a resume will always help you down the road when you need to get hired again by people who know you well enough to know what kind of person they’re dealing with when they see something suspicious on paper.”
Your Business Development resume should show how you’re a self starter
A business development resume should show that you’re a self starter. You have to be able to come up with your own ideas, get things done without being micromanaged and work effectively with a team. This is especially important if you are applying for jobs in startups or small companies where there isn’t always time or resources available for training new employees.
Here’s how it works:
Showcase your ability to work independently by demonstrating that you don’t need someone holding your hand all the time.
Showcase your ability to come up with your own ideas by showing some examples of things you’ve done on projects that required a lot of creativity and/or thinking outside the box (this can include skills like copywriting or graphic design).
Showcase your ability to get things done without being micromanaged by sharing details about specific successes from previous jobs where others relied on you for results.
Use these tips to get hired as a Business Development Manager
If you want to write a good business development resume, use these tips.
Use this article for help getting hired as a Business Development Manager.
You can use this article to get a job in business development.
If you’re looking for a new job as a Business Development Manager, these tips will help you create an effective resume that will get you hired.