2022 Accountant Resume Example & Tips

So you want to get hired as an accountant

You’re probably wondering whether accounting is a good career choice. The answer is yes! Accounting is one of the most popular fields in today’s job market, and it has been for quite some time. In fact, accounting has been one of the top 15 professions listed by U.S. News & World Report since they began ranking careers back in 1990!

Accounting jobs are also expected to increase by 12% or more over the next decade—a good sign for you if you’re looking to get hired as an accountant. That rate of growth is faster than other professions like computer programming (9%) and nursing (6%). So why not give accounting a try?

If you are an accountant and want to land a job, your resume is the first step in convincing potential employers that you’re the right person for the role. While there are many different types of resumes available, an accountant should focus on using traditional formatting with some specific changes to highlight qualifications for accounting positions. 

    Project manager resume examples

    Write a powerful accounting resume objective

    Administrative Assistant Resume Example

    The objective is the single most important section of your resume. It’s what hiring managers and recruiters will read first, so make sure it’s as strong as possible.

    Your accounting resume objective should do a couple things:

    • Describe the skills you have that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. This can include things like Excel spreadsheets, budgeting, financial reporting, etc.

    • Highlight your experience and accomplishments in these areas. For example: “As an accounting manager of a large corporation with 5 years experience overseeing internal audits.” or “Managed $30 million in annual revenues while managing staff of 15 employees.”

    • Indicate why you’d be great at this job based on those skills (and show how they fit with the role). For example: “These skills make me uniquely qualified for this role because I’ve been responsible for overseeing many complex audits and ensuring accurate financial reporting.” If needed, consider filling out this section with more detail about particular aspects of your background that may not be obvious from other sections such as education or work history (but do not repeat yourself!). This is another opportunity to show off any applicable awards or accolades from prior roles too!


      Being an accountant doesn’t mean your resume has to be boring

      You may think that as an accountant, your resume has to be boring. But that’s not true! If you want to stand out from the crowd and get noticed by hiring managers, there are a few things you can do.

      First of all, you can use color and formatting to make your resume stand out. You might think that black and white is best for an accountant’s resume, but if you want to make it more visually appealing then go ahead and use different colors in different parts of your document – this will help ensure that hiring managers notice different sections of your document and read them thoroughly.

      You also should consider using headings or bulleted lists on each page – these will make it easier for hiring managers (who often have hundreds of resumes they need to look through) scan over quickly before deciding whether or not they want to keep reading through them at all!

      Lastly don’t forget about personality – including some personal touches like a cover letter shows employers who are going through dozens upon dozens of resumes how much care went into creating yours specifically for them!

          Accountant Resume Writing Tip #1

           If you’re a CPA, write about it! If you have any credentials that are relevant, add them to your resume. For example, if you’re a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), make sure that you include this information on your resume. It’s a great way to show potential employers that you are qualified for the role.

          If you have past accounting job experience, make sure you emphasize it!

          If you have past accounting job experience, make sure you emphasize it! If you don’t have any accounting job experience, you should emphasize your education. If you have both, emphasize your education and only briefly mention any previous jobs in the first section of your resume (under “Professional Experience”). Don’t skip over past experience though! Your potential new employers will want to know where they can find more information about your work history.

          Accountant Resume Writing Tip #2

          Use numbers when describing accounting accomplishments. Numbers can make all the difference when it comes to getting noticed by recruiters and hiring managers. If there’s an opportunity where you were able to save the company money by coming up with a system or process that saved them time or money, use those numbers in your description of the accomplishment so they know how much of an impact it had on their business!

            Emphasize your accounting certifications on your resume

            A key point to remember is that certifications are a great way to show your skills, experience and knowledge in the accounting field. You can demonstrate leadership by obtaining a certified public accountant (CPA) designation or an industry-specific certification from an association. These types of certifications are also a good way to showcase your commitment and dedication to staying up-to-date with the latest accounting practices.

            Organize your education in reverse chronological order

            • The best way to organize your education section is in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should place your most recent education first. For example, if you’re currently a student and have a bachelor’s degree from four years ago, put that information first.

            • Don’t feel like you need to list every single course title on your resume; just include the ones that pertain directly to accounting or finance. You can always get into the specifics during an interview if it becomes relevant.

            Accountant Resume Writing Tip #3

            Show your personality on your resume! Even if you’re applying for an accountant position at a large company where everyone looks the same, there’s nothing wrong with putting a little bit of yourself into the mix with some personal details about what makes you unique.

              Highlight your hard a soft skills on your accountant resume

              • It is important to highlight your hard and soft skills on your accountant resume.

                Hard skills are specific skills that you have learned in a particular field. For example, if you have worked as an accountant for three years, then this would be a hard skill on your accountant resume because it shows that you know how to do the job.

                Soft skills are more general skills that you have learned over time. For example, if someone is patient or honest, these could be soft skills listed on their resume because they apply to many jobs and roles in life.

                Generally speaking, hard skills are more relevant to the job that someone is applying for today whereas soft ones are more relevant for their future career goals.


              It is important to highlight the things that set you apart from other accountants.

              Employers want to see that you have the skills and background it takes to do the job well.

              It is important to highlight the things that set you apart from other accountants. Employers want to see that you have the skills and background it takes to do the job well. Your resume should focus on your:

              • education, including any certifications or degrees you have obtained

              • soft skills, such as communication skills, team working abilities and leadership qualities

              • hard skills, such as knowledge of accounting software packages or technical expertise in financial analysis


              So there you have it. You now have all the tools you need to write an accountant resume. But don’t forget that it’s not just about what you include in your resume—it’s also about how you present yourself on paper! Make sure that everything is grammatically correct and free from typos and spelling mistakes. Also, remember that employers are looking for more than just a candidate who has the right qualifications: they want someone who will show up on time every day, work hard, and get along well with others in the office environment. The best way to display these qualities? By applying them yourself during this process!