2022 Engineering Resume Example & Tips
Engineering is a great career choice. Engineering is a growing field, and it’s easy to see why: Engineers make a difference in the world by helping people, companies and countries solve problems. In fact, engineers are responsible for many of the things we take for granted every day—from making sure our roads don’t collapse under heavy traffic flow to designing new drugs that can cure cancer.
Engineers have a good salary potential. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), engineers earn an average starting salary of $60K per year (as of 2018). Those who get hired into high-paying industries like aerospace or defense could earn up to $100K per year right out of school!
You’ll travel around the world doing interesting work with interesting people if you become an engineer! If this sounds appealing to you then keep reading because we’ll show you how we did just that at our last job interview – and landed ourselves interviews with over 100 different companies across five continents within three months!
If you’re an engineer, your resume is one of the most important parts of your job search. You need to be able to show off all the great engineering experience that you have and highlight how it makes you a strong candidate for a new position. Here’s how to write an engineering resume that will get you interviews!
Detail your engineering education on your resume
It’s important to highlight your engineering education on your resume. If you have a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, list your degree and major, as well as any honors or academic awards that you’ve received. Did you earn a GPA above 3.0? Great! Include it! Did you do an internship during college? Mention it. Were there any research projects that were particularly interesting to you? Make sure they’re included in the “Research Experiences” section of the resume (more on this later).
Did I mention how important internships are? If they’re not included elsewhere on the resume, make sure they get a special shout out in the skills section at the bottom of page 1: “Interned at XYZ Construction Company during summer break from freshman year.”
How to adjust your resume for no engineering experience
As a recent graduate, you may not have a whole lot of engineering experience. That’s okay! It’s good to start from scratch and learn from the ground up. However, if you’re trying to write a resume for an engineering job without any experience and feel like it’s impossible…it’s not.
You don’t need to lie about your experience or make up false credentials just because no one has hired you yet. It is possible to write an impressive resume even if all you’ve done is take some classes in school or work as a student assistant for someone who does engineering work in their spare time.
A good rule of thumb for writing resumes without much experience is: don’t sound too smart (even though we know that’s hard). Take this opportunity to demonstrate how hard-working and dedicated you are by focusing on projects where there were obstacles or challenges that needed overcoming—and how well they turned out!
Engineering Resume Writing Tip #1
Your education matters! While the field of engineering is broad and diverse, there are some core skills that you need to demonstrate on your resume. Make sure you include your degree and academic accomplishments, but also make sure to highlight any extracurricular activities or work experience that shows you’re a team player. If you’re applying for a job in a specific industry, make sure you include any certifications or licenses that are required for the position.
Use common engineering terms on your resume
Engineering is a broad field, so it’s important to use common engineering terms in your resume and cover letter. You may not need to use all of these technical phrases on your resume, but having them ready will help you if the opportunity arises.
Computer science: Algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), data analysis, data structures and algorithms, database management systems (DBMS), distributed processing
Math: Differential equations and their applications in aerospace engineering; probability theory; statistics; linear algebra; numerical methods for solving differential equations; mathematical modeling of physical phenomena
Physics: Acoustic waves; optical systems for medical imaging; quantum mechanics
Show off your wide variety of engineering experience in past jobs
Show a variety of engineering experience in past jobs. A well-written resume should include details about the projects you worked on, the skills you used, and the team members you collaborated with.
Think about what makes you unique as an engineer—what sets your work apart from others’? If you have any certifications or awards, these are also great things to include on your resume. Looking at resumes from other engineers can help give you ideas of what goes into a successful resume and how many details might be necessary to impress an employer.
Engineering Resume Writing Tip #2
Show you’re a team player! You might be a brilliant engineer by yourself, but when it comes down to it, great engineers are also great collaborators who can work well with others. If there’s one thing all hiring managers love more than an impressive resume, it’s an impressive project portfolio—so make sure yours includes some projects where you’ve worked collaboratively with others on something big.
Emphasize your engineering successes you’ve had
Include details of your engineering successes. Include details of your engineering failures. Include details of your engineering projects. Include details of your engineering research. Include details of your engineering presentations. Include details of your engineering publications.
Include everything that’s related to the type of work you do, whether it’s working on a specific project or building something from scratch, or even just writing an article on one topic in which you learned something new! For example, if you worked with another team member and successfully implemented a new piece of software into an existing system, highlight this experience in the resume because it provides concrete evidence that shows off how well-rounded you are as an engineer (and also demonstrates teamwork skills).
Engineering Resume Writing Tip #3
Highlight your ability to meet deadlines! Engineers are known for being organized and detail-oriented—and these qualities come in handy when it comes time for crunch time! Make sure that all the projects on your resume show how well you can meet deadlines and keep things moving smoothly
Engineering resumes need to include specific terminology, project details and education information.
If you want your engineering resume to stand out, include specific details about the projects that you worked on. Don’t make statements like “I was responsible for this,” or “I was involved in this.” Instead, tell a story of how you were able to solve problems and contribute to a team’s success.
Remember, it’s important not to use generic terms like “I worked on this project” or “I was responsible for this.” Be as specific as possible: instead of saying “this process didn’t work well,” explain what exactly the problem was and what steps had been taken before the issue arose. A better way would be: “The company faced delays due to an inefficient process which slowed down our ability to meet deadlines.”
Include details such as names of people who were involved in each project – even if they aren’t directly related with engineers’ work – so that recruiters can easily visualize who they would be working alongside if hired by them (and also show interest). Also mention those who helped mentor/guide you throughout your career development journey so far – it will highlight some leadership qualities within yourself too! Including names makes it more personal so readers will immediately feel invested enough in reading further through your resume.”
Writing your resume is an important process, and you should take care to ensure that it is well written and effective. If you are an engineer looking for a new position or applying for a promotion, these tips will help you put together a quality resume that will impress potential employers and get them interested in interviewing you!